September 5, 2018

Digital portfolios are a win-win-win for your school

September 5, 2018
Gary Falcon
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With the school year getting underway, many of your teachers are probably starting to think about the long-term progress they hope to see their students make this year. Over the course of a school-year, students produce large quantities of work, and compiling this work is great for demonstrating student growth, as well as allowing teachers using alternative grading systems to evaluate student achievement for their final grades.

The downside to gathering all the work, though, is that it is often bulky, difficult to organize, and relies on students being able to keep track of and preserve their work for months on end – or for teachers to find space in their classrooms to store it all. Plus, demonstrating student growth from one year to the next is nearly impossible once students change teachers.

This is where a digital portfolio comes in.

Having a learning management system, like Twine, allows students and teachers to compile portfolios online. Students can submit work to their portfolio and choose whether it is visible to just the teacher or to other students, opening up the possibility for students to inspire or guide their peers in their own work. Teachers can even grade portfolio items right inside their classrooms, avoiding all those printed-out documents and bulky binders. Plus, students can keep and build their portfolio bits at a time, so by the end of the year everything is gathered neatly in one place.

Keeping students organized, eliminating teachers lugging around portfolios, and making things a little more eco-friendly – digital portfolios are a win-win-win for your school.

At Twine, we are excited about helping schools, passionate about transforming learning and focused on improving student achievement. We are proud to provide technology solutions that help schools achieve their goals. Want to know more about portfolios and the other ways we can help simplify your school?  Please Contact us.

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