June 20, 2018

Share, revise, and reuse lesson plans at the click of a button

June 20, 2018
Gary Falcon
Featured image for “Share, revise, and reuse lesson plans at the click of a button”

Summer is upon us, and teachers and administrators everywhere are celebrating having some time to unwind, reflect on last year, and plan next year’s lessons. What if your teachers could retain their lesson plans in a digital format year after year, and share them with other teachers? You’d have more time to enjoy summer, more energy to revise lessons, and more collaboration among teachers, right?

Lesson planning in Twine takes all of the things you’re probably already doing on paper or in digital documents and makes them easier to share, revise, and reuse.

As a teacher builds lesson plans in Twine, he or she can link them to specific units within the course. Units can contain traditional lesson plans, reading assignments or videos for students to watch, assignments and assessments, and more. Once items are added to a unit, they can be moved as individual items or as a collective unit.

So, let’s say last year you taught a senior-level advanced biology course and have tons of lessons, assessments, and resources for students, organized by topic. This year, you’re teaching freshman intro to biology. If you were using Twine, you could move your entire collection of course materials into your new course shell, or select whole units that might be useful, or you can choose lessons, assignments or resources one at a time and reuse them as needed without starting from scratch or fumbling through notebooks.

You can also share your lessons to a professional learning community group within Twine so that the new advanced biology teacher has some materials to start with and build on, allowing teachers to truly work together for the benefit of students.

At Twine, we are excited about helping schools, passionate about transforming learning and focused on improving student achievement. We are proud to provide technology solutions that help schools achieve their goals. Want to know more about what type of school management software might work for your school? Please download your checklist.

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