November 30, 2021

Track student service hours without the spreadsheets

November 30, 2021
Ashley Bellomy
Featured image for “Track student service hours without the spreadsheets”

We’re heading toward the mid-point of the school year and with that comes the paperwork and process that go along with ending one semester and starting another. The Workflows+ add-on is focused on making these tasks easier — from student balance tracking and parent-teacher conference scheduling to student community service tracking.

For schools that want to track student community service hours, the process can be complex. Not only do you need to know the number of hours completed, but you have to determine where the hours were done, whether they are with an eligible organization and who the supervisor was. With Workflows+ in Edsby, students can enter all the information you need to track and school administrators or counselors can verify and approve the hours, which are tracked throughout their time at the school.

The hours entry form for students has fields for all of the relevant information, plus the option to upload a file, in case you require signed documentation from volunteer sites:

Students are able to view all of the hours they’ve submitted, along with the approval status and the reason their hours have been declined, if applicable:

As an administrator, you’ll see a similar view of all of the hours submitted by students at the school, sorted by approval status. You can also filter by approval status to more easily see those still needing approval.

You can click on any of the submissions and see the details submitted by the student. The bottom of the window has selection buttons to approve or decline the hours. If you choose to decline them, the window will prompt for a reason to provide to the student.

If you’d like to provide a specific form for students to submit, you can provide it within the service tracking application, and you can also restrict the organizations to a pre-approved list, if necessary.

Students’ hours can be exported as a CSV if you need, and students can save a print-friendly version of their record to submit with college or scholarship applications as necessary.

For more information on Workflows+ and the features that are included: see our demo video.

To find out about adding Workflows+ to your Twine subscription, contact

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